Dress Affordable baby garments for flower girl

Why Can't People mind Their Business I Throw a Few Pieces of Bread Out in The Yard for The Sparrows and The Young Kid That is( Renting) an Apartment in The The House Near Me Says That I Have To Stop Feeding The Birds Because Yes a Baby Squirrel Took a Piece and Left it In His Rented Yard?? If That wasn't Enough He Tried to Kill The Baby Squirrel I Don't Know What He Did to The Squirreli but the Poor thing was Struggling to a Fence in His Yard I Didn't Know what Was Wrong But I Wasn't Going To Let Him Die I Helped Him Off The Fence and He Walked Away As Far As I Know He Is going To Be O.K. " Jerk " Why Don't He Pick on Someone His Own Size Dress Affordable baby garments for flower girl